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⟡ 2005-2009 摩臣2平台🎀,土木工程,學士
⟡ 2009-2012 摩臣2平台,巖土工程🏋🏼✌🏻,碩士
⟡ 2012-2016 香港大學,巖土工程🧏,博士
⟡ 2018.09至今 摩臣2平台🥄,教授🧑🏽🎄、博士生導師
⟡ 2018.06-2018.09 香港大學,Senior Research Assistant
⟡ 2016.11-2018.06 新加坡南洋理工大學,博士後
⟡ 2016.09-2016.10 香港大學,Senior Research Assistant
⟡ 巖土工程物理模擬與數值模擬
⟡ 巖石多尺度破裂機理與力學模型
⟡ 計算巖土力學(離散元法🦇、有限差分法、水力耦合問題等)
⟡ 深部能源開采/存儲相關的地質力學問題(水力壓裂🪺、鉆井失穩、洞室穩定等)
[1] 國家自然科學基金面上項目💷,2025.01-2028.12,主持
[2] 國家重點研發計劃青年科學家項目,2023.12-2025.11,主持
[3] 教育部“春暉計劃”合作科研項目, 2023.05-2025.05, 主持
[4] 英國皇家學會國際合作項目, 2022.03-2024.03, 中方負責人
[5] 山東省高等學校青年創新團隊,2022.01-2024.12, 負責人
[6] 國家海外引進高層次人才項目,2021.01-2023.12, 主持
[7] 山東省自然科學基金優秀青年基金, 2021.01-2023.12,主持
[8] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,2020.01-2022.12, 主持
[9] 摩臣2平台齊魯青年學者項目, 2018.09-2023.08, 主持
⟡ 2023年山東省優秀研究生論文指導教師
⟡ 2023年摩臣2平台優秀碩士學位論文指導獎
⟡ 2020年山東省科技進步二等獎(3/8)
⟡ 香港工程師學會(HKIE) 最佳博士論文獎(Ringo Yu Prize for Best PhD Thesis in Geotechnical Studies 2016)
⟡ 香港大學土木工程系 傑出助教獎 (Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award 2014-2015)
代表性論文 (*為通訊作者🤹🏽,#為指導/聯合指導研究生)
[1] Li, X.#, Duan, K. *, Meng, H., Zhang, Q., Li, J., & Jiang R. (2024) The influence of gravel-scale heterogeneity and scale effect on the mechanical properties of conglomerate. Computational Particle Mechanics.1-17.(JCR一區)
[2] Sun, Y. #, Kwok, C.Y., & Duan, K. (2024) Size effects on crystalline rock masses: Insights from grain-based DEM modeling. Computers and Geotechnics.171,106376.(JCR一區)
[3] Liu, J. #, Duan, K.*, Zhang, Q., Zheng, Y., Cao, H., & Zhang, Y. (2024). Pore-scale insights into CO2-water two-phase flow and implications for benefits of geological carbon storage. Advances in Water Resources.191, 104780.(JCR一區)
[4] Sun, Y. #, Kwok, C. Y., & Duan, K. (2024). Rate effect of rocks: Insights from DEM modeling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.181, 105857.(JCR一區)
[5] Jiang, R. #, Duan, K.*, Ji, Y., Zhang, Q., Wang, L., & Zheng, Y. (2024). Impact of injection rate on smooth and rough fracture activation in granite: Laboratory-scale acoustic emission analysis. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. (JCR一區)
[6] Liu, Q., Pei, G., Chen, L., Duan, K.*, Zhang, F., & Su, R. K. L. (2024). Effects of Chloride, Humidity, and Concrete Mix on the Electrochemical Parameters of Steel Reinforcement Corrosion. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 36(8), 04024240.(JCR二區)
[7] Liu, D., Feng, X., Duan, K., Zuo, J., Chen, G., Li, M., Chang,Y. & Xia, Z. (2024). A novel concrete-filled flange steel tubular composite supports for tunnels: a numerical perspective. Case Studies in Construction Materials.e03384.(JCR一區)
[8] Li, X. #, Duan, K.*, Zhao, M., Zhang, Q., Wang, L., & Jiang, R. (2024). Competition among simultaneously stimulated multiple hydraulic fractures: Insights from DEM simulation with the consideration of fluid partitioning. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. (JCR一區)
[9] Zhao, H. #, Duan, K.*, Zheng, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., Jiang, R., & Zhang, J. (2024). Failure mechanism of fully grouted rock bolts subjected to pullout test: Insights from coupled FDM‐DEM simulation. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. (JCR一區)
[10] Liu, D., Zhang, W., Dai, Q., Chen, J., Duan, K., & Li, M. (2024). Safety evaluation method for operational shield tunnels based on semi-supervised learning and a stacking algorithm. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology.153, 106027.(JCR一區)
[11] Xue, T. #, Zhang, Q., Zhang, Z., Duan, K., & Xiang, W. (2023) Geo-mechanical model test on excavation and support of deep tunnel crossing a fault under hydro-mechanical coupled condition. Acta Geotechnica. 1-20. (JCR一區)
[12] Wang, L. #, Duan, K.*, Zhang, Q., Li, X., Jaing, R., Wang, L., & Zheng, Y. (2023) Stress interference and interaction between two fractures during their propagation: Insights from SCDA test and XFEM simulation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 169,105431. (JCR一區)
[13] Li, X. #, Duan, K.*, Zhang, Q., Li, J., Jiang, R., & Wang, L. (2023) Investigation of the permeability anisotropy of porous sandstone induced by complex stress conditions. Computers and Geotechnics 157, 105309. (JCR一區)
[14] Li, F. #, Zhang, Q., Duan, K., Xiang, W., & Yu, G. (2023) Investigating the mechanism of splitting failure in deep high sidewall cavern based on complex function and strain gradient. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 132, 104910. (JCR一區)
[15] Li, J. #, Duan, K.*, Meng, H., Wang, J., Zhang, Q., & Wang, L (2023) On the mechanical properties and failure mechanism of conglomerate specimens subjected to triaxial compression tests. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 56(2), 973–995. (JCR一區)
[16] Xue, T. #, Zhang, Q.*, Duan, K.*, Wang, P., Lin, H., Fan, Q., & Liu, L. (2022) Geo-mechanical model test on the water inrush induced by zonal disintegration of deep tunnel under hydro-mechanical coupling. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 160, 105278. (JCR一區)
[17] Duan, K., Jiang, R., Li, X., Wang, L., & Yang, Z. (2022) Examining the influence of the loading path on the cracking characteristics of a pre-fractured rock specimen with discrete element method simulation. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. Published online (JCR一區)
[18] Zhang, Z., Zhang, Q., Duan, K., Zhang, R., Lin, H., & Xiang, W (2022) A fully coupled hydraulic-mechanical model of deep tunnel considering permeability variation. Computers and Geotechnics 151, 104984. (JCR一區)
[19] Lin H.X., Zhang, Q., Zhang L., Duan, K., Xue, T., & Fan, Q. (2022) The Infuence of Water Content on the Time‑Dependent Mechanical Behavior of Argillaceous Siltstone. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Published online. (JCR一區)
[20] Ji, Y., Hofmann, H, Duan, K., & Zang, A. (2022) Laboratory experiments on fault behavior towards better understanding of injection-induced seismicity in geoenergy systems. Earth Science Review. 103916. (JCR一區)
[21] Wang, L.C. #, Duan, K.*, Zhang, Q.Y., Li, X.J., & Jiang, R.H. (2022) Study of the dynamic fracturing process and stress shadowing effect in granite sample with two holes based on SCDA fracturing method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55 (3), 1537-1553. (JCR一區)
[22] Jiang, R.H. #, Duan, K.*, & Zhang, Q.Y. (2022) Effect of heterogeneity in micro-structure and micro-strength on the discrepancies between direct and indirect tensile tests on brittle rock. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55 (2), 981-1000. (JCR一區)
[23] Duan, K.* Li, X.J., Kwok, C.Y., Zhang, Q.Y.*, & Wang, L.C. (2021) Modeling the orientation- and stress-dependent permeability of anisotropic rock with particle-based discrete element method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.146, 104884. (JCR一區)
[24] Zhang, Z., Zhang, Q., Duan, K., Ren, M.Y., Yin, X., Lin, H., & Xiang, W. (2021) Experimental study on the mechanical and permeability behaviors of limestone under hydro-mechanical-coupled conditions. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 80, 2859–2873(JCR一區)
[25] Zhang, Q., Li, F.*, Duan, K.*, Yu, G., Cheng, L., & Guo, X. (2021) Experimental investigation on splitting failure of high sidewall cavern under three-dimensional high in-situ stress. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 108, 103725. (JCR一區)
[26] Duan, K., Li, Y., & Yang, W. (2021) Discrete element method simulation of the growth and efficiency of multiple hydraulic fractures simultaneously-induced from two horizontal wells. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 7 (1), 1-20(JCR一區)
[27] Yu, J., Yao, W., Duan, K., Liu, X. & Zhu, Y. (2020) Experimental study and discrete element method modeling of compression and permeability behaviors of weakly anisotropic sandstones. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences.134, 104437. (JCR一區)
[28] Faizi S.A., Kwok, C.Y., Duan, K. (2020) The effects of intermediate principle stress on the mechanical behavior of transversely isotropic rocks: Insights from DEM simulations. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 44, 1262– 1280. (JCR一區)
[29] Zhang, Q., Liu, C., Duan, K., Zhang, Z. & Xiang, W. (2020). True three-dimensional geomechanical model tests for stability analysis of surrounding rock during the excavation of a deep underground laboratory. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53(2), 517-537. (JCR一區)
[30] Zhang, Y., Zhang, Q.Y., Duan, K., Yu, G.Y., Jiao, Y.Y. (2020) Reliability analysis of deep underground research laboratory in Beishan for geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste. Computers and Geotechnics 118, 103328. (JCR一區)
[31] Yang, W., Duan, K., Zhang, Q.Y., Jiao, Y.Y., Wang, S.G. (2020) In situ creep tests on the long‐term shear behaviors of a fault located at the dam foundation of Dagangshan hydropower station, China. Energy Sci Eng. 8:216–235
[32] Duan, K., Kwok, C.Y., Zhang, Q. & Shang, J.L. (2020). On the initiation, propagation and reorientation of simultaneously-induced multiple hydraulic fractures. Computers and Geotechnics. 117, 103226. (JCR一區)
[33] Kwok, C. Y., Duan, K.* & Pierce, M. (2020) Modeling hydraulic fracturing in jointed shale formation with the use of fully coupled discrete element method. Acta Geotechnica 15(1), 245-264. (JCR一區)
[34] Duan, K., Li, Y.C., Wang, L., Zhao, G.F. & Wu, W. (2019). Dynamic responses and failure modes of stratified sedimentary rocks. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 122, 104060. (JCR一區)
[35] Shang, J., Jayasinghe, L. B., Xiao, F., Duan, K., Nie, W. & Zhao, Z. (2019). Three-dimensional DEM investigation of the fracture behaviour of thermally degraded rocks with consideration of material anisotropy. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 104, 102330. (JCR一區)
[36] Liu, D., Zuo, J., Wang, J, Li, P., Duan, K., Zhang, D. & Guo, S. (2019). Bending failure mechanism and strengthening of concrete-filled steel tubular support. Engineering Structures. 198, 109449. (JCR一區)
[37] Huang, C., Yang, W.*, Duan, K.*, Fang, L., Wang, L. & Bo, C. (2019). Mechanical behaviors of the brittle rock-like specimens with multi-non-persistent joints under uniaxial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 220, 426-443. (JCR一區)
[38] Liu, D., Wang, F., Zhang, D. & Duan, K. (2019). Interfacial stresses of shield tunnel strengthened by a thin plate at inner surface. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 91, 103021. (JCR一區)
[39] Zhang, Q. Y., Ren, M. Y.*, Duan, K.*, Wang, W. S., Gao, Q., Lin, H. X., Xiang, W. & Jiao, Y. Y. (2019). Geo-mechanical model test on the collaborative bearing effect of rock-support system for deep tunnel in complicated rock strata. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 91, 103001. (JCR一區)
[40] Zhang, S., Wu, S. & Duan, K. (2019). Study on the deformation and strength characteristics of hard rock under true triaxial stress state using bonded-particle model. Computers and Geotechnics, 112, 1-16. (JCR一區)
[41] Yang, W., Luo, G., Duan, K., Jing, W., Zhang, L., Wang, S. & Zhao, Y. (2019). Development of a damage rheological model and its application in the analysis of mechanical properties of jointed rock masses. Energy Science & Engineering. 7: 1016– 1031.
[42] Duan, K., Ji, Y.L., Xu, N. & Wu, W. (2019). Excavation-induced fault instability: Possible causes and implications for seismicity. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 92, 103041. (JCR一區)
[43] Duan, K., Ji, Y.L., Wu, W. & Kwok, C.Y. (2019). Unloading-induced failure of brittle rock and implications for excavation-induced strain burst. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 84, 495-506. (JCR一區)
[44] Zhang, Q.-Y., Zhang, Y.*, Duan, K.*, Liu, C.-C., Miao, Y.-S. & Wu, D. (2018). Large-scale geo-mechanical model tests for the stability assessment of deep underground complex under true-triaxial stress. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 83, 577-591. (JCR一區)
[45] Shang, J., Duan, K.*, Gui, Y., Handley, K. & Zhao, Z. (2018). Numerical investigation of the direct tensile behaviour of laminated and transversely isotropic rocks containing incipient bedding planes with different strengths. Computers and Geotechnics, 104, 373-388. (JCR一區)
[46] Li, W., Zhu, C., Yang, C., Duan, K. & Hu, W. (2018). Experimental and DEM investigations of temperature effect on pure and interbedded rock salt. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 56, 29-41. (JCR一區)
[47] Hu, W., Kwok, C., Duan, K. & Wang, T. (2018). Parametric study of the smooth‐joint contact model on the mechanical behavior of jointed rock. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 42(2), 358-376. (JCR一區)
[48] Duan, K., Wu, W. & Kwok, C. Y. (2018). Discrete element modelling of stress-induced instability of directional drilling boreholes in anisotropic rock. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 81, 55-67. (JCR一區)
[49] Duan, K., Kwok, C. Y., Wu, W. & Jing, L. (2018). DEM modeling of hydraulic fracturing in permeable rock: influence of viscosity, injection rate and in situ states. Acta Geotechnica. 13(5), 1187-1202. (JCR一區)
[50] Zhang, Q. Y., Duan, K.*, Jiao, Y. Y. & Xiang, W. (2017). Physical model test and numerical simulation for the stability analysis of deep gas storage cavern group located in bedded rock salt formation. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 94, 43-54. (JCR一區)
[51] Wu, W.*, Zhao, Z. & Duan, K.* (2017). Unloading-induced instability of a simulated granular fault and implications for excavation-induced seismicity. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 63, 154-161. (JCR一區)
[52] Liu, D., Huang, H., Zuo, J., Duan, K., Xue, Y. & Li, Y. (2017). Experimental and numerical study on short eccentric columns strengthened by textile-reinforced concrete under sustaining load. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 36(23), 1712-1726.
[53] Zhang, Q., Duan, K.*, Xiang, W., Yuan, S. & Jiao, Y.-Y. (2017). Direct Tensile Test on Brittle Rocks with the Newly Developed Centering Apparatus. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 41(1), 92-102.
[54] Duan, K., Kwok, C. Y., & Ma, X. (2017). DEM simulations of sandstone under true triaxial compressive tests. Acta Geotechnica, 12(3), 495-510. (JCR一區)
[55] Duan, K., Kwok, C. Y. & Pierce, M. (2016). Discrete element method modeling of inherently anisotropic rocks under uniaxial compression loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 40(8), 1150-1183. (JCR一區)
[56] Duan, K. & Kwok, C. (2016). Evolution of stress‐induced borehole breakout in inherently anisotropic rock: Insights from discrete element modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(4), 2361-2381. (JCR一區)
[57] Duan, K., Kwok, C. Y. & Tham, L. G. (2015). Micromechanical analysis of the failure process of brittle rock. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 39(6), 618-634. (JCR一區)
[58] Duan, K. & Kwok, C. Y. (2015). Discrete element modeling of anisotropic rock under Brazilian test conditions. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 78(0), 46-56. (JCR一區)